Source code for flask_assistant.core

import inspect
import sys
import os
from functools import wraps, partial

import aniso8601
from flask import current_app, json, request as flask_request, _app_ctx_stack
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from flask_assistant import logger
from flask_assistant.response import _Response
from flask_assistant.manager import ContextManager, parse_context_name
from api_ai.api import ApiAi
from io import StringIO

def find_assistant():  # Taken from Flask-ask courtesy of @voutilad
    Find our instance of Assistant, navigating Local's and possible blueprints.

    Note: This only supports returning a reference to the first instance
    of Assistant found.
    if hasattr(current_app, "assist"):
        return getattr(current_app, "assist")
        if hasattr(current_app, "blueprints"):
            blueprints = getattr(current_app, "blueprints")
            for blueprint_name in blueprints:
                if hasattr(blueprints[blueprint_name], "assist"):
                    return getattr(blueprints[blueprint_name], "assist")

request = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().request)
intent = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().intent)
access_token = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().access_token)
context_in = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().context_in)
context_manager = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().context_manager)
convert_errors = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().convert_errors)
session_id = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().session_id)
user = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().user)
storage = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().storage)
profile = LocalProxy(lambda: find_assistant().profile)

# Converter shorthands for commonly used system entities
_converter_shorthands = {
    "date": aniso8601.parse_date,  # Returns date
    "date-period": aniso8601.parse_interval,  # Returns (date, date)
    "time": aniso8601.parse_time,  # Returns time

[docs]class Assistant(object): """Central Interface for creating a Dialogflow webhook. The Assistant object routes requests to :func:`action` decorated functions. The assistant object maps requests received from an Dialogflow agent to Intent-specific view functions. The view_functions can be properly matched depending on required parameters and contexts. These requests originate from Google Actions and are sent to the Assistant object through Dialogflow's infrastructure. Keyword Arguments: app {Flask object} -- App instance - created with Flask(__name__) (default: {None}) blueprint {Flask Blueprint} -- Flask Blueprint instance to initialize (Default: {None}) route {str} -- entry point to which initial Alexa Requests are forwarded (default: {None}) project_id {str} -- Google Cloud Project ID, required to manage contexts from flask-assistant client_id {Str} -- Actions on Google client ID used for account linking dev_token {str} - Dialogflow dev access token used to register and retrieve agent resources client_token {str} - Dialogflow client access token required for querying agent """ def __init__( self, app=None, blueprint=None, route=None, project_id=None, dev_token=None, client_token=None, client_id=None, ): = app self.blueprint = blueprint self._route = route self.project_id = project_id self.client_id = client_id self._intent_action_funcs = {} self._intent_mappings = {} self._intent_converts = {} self._intent_defaults = {} self._intent_fallbacks = {} self._intent_prompts = {} self._intent_events = {} self._required_contexts = {} self._context_funcs = {} self._func_contexts = {} self.api = ApiAi(dev_token, client_token) if app is not None: self.init_app(app) elif blueprint is not None: self.init_blueprint(blueprint) if self.client_id is None and is not None: self.client_id ="AOG_CLIENT_ID") if project_id is None: import warnings warnings.warn( """\nGoogle Cloud Project ID is required to manage contexts using flask-assistant\n Please initialize the Assistant object with a project ID assist = Assistant(app, project_id='YOUR_PROJECT_ID")""", stacklevel=2, ) def init_app(self, app): = app if self._route is None: self._route = "/" app.assist = self app.add_url_rule( self._route, view_func=self._flask_assitant_view_func, methods=["POST"] ) if self.client_id is None and is not None: self.client_id ="AOG_CLIENT_ID") # Taken from Flask-ask courtesy of @voutilad
[docs] def init_blueprint(self, blueprint, path="templates.yaml"): """Initialize a Flask Blueprint, similar to init_app, but without the access to the application config. Keyword Arguments: blueprint {Flask Blueprint} -- Flask Blueprint instance to initialize (Default: {None}) path {str} -- path to templates yaml file, relative to Blueprint (Default: {'templates.yaml'}) """ if self._route is not None: raise TypeError("route cannot be set when using blueprints!") # we need to tuck our reference to this Assistant instance # into the blueprint object and find it later! blueprint.assist = self # BlueprintSetupState.add_url_rule gets called underneath the covers and # concats the rule string, so we should set to an empty string to allow # Blueprint('blueprint_api', __name__, url_prefix="/assist") to result in # exposing the rule at "/assist" and not "/assist/". blueprint.add_url_rule( "", view_func=self._flask_assitant_view_func, methods=["POST"] ) # blueprint.jinja_loader = ChoiceLoader([YamlLoader(blueprint, path)]) if self.client_id is None and is not None: self.client_id ="AOG_CLIENT_ID")
@property def request(self): """Local Proxy refering to the request JSON recieved from Dialogflow""" return getattr(, "_assist_request", None) @request.setter def request(self, value): = value @property def intent(self): """Local Proxy refering to the name of the intent contained in the Dialogflow request""" return getattr(, "_assist_intent", None) @intent.setter def intent(self, value): = value @property def access_token(self): """Local proxy referring to the OAuth token for linked accounts.""" return getattr(, "_assist_access_token", None) @access_token.setter def access_token(self, value): = value @property def context_in(self): """Local Proxy refering to context objects contained within current session""" return getattr(, "_assist_context_in", []) @context_in.setter def context_in(self, value): = value @property def context_manager(self): """LocalProxy refering to the app's instance of the :class: `ContextManager`. Interface for adding and accessing contexts and their parameters """ return getattr(, "_assist_context_manager", ContextManager(self) ) @context_manager.setter def context_manager(self, value): = value @property def convert_errors(self): return getattr(, "_assistant_convert_errors", None) @convert_errors.setter def convert_errors(self, value): = value @property def session_id(self): return getattr(, "_assist_session_id", None) @session_id.setter def session_id(self, value): = value @property def user(self): return getattr(, "_assist_user", {}) @user.setter def user(self, value): storage_data = value.get("userStorage", {}) if not isinstance(storage_data, dict): storage_data = json.loads(storage_data) value["userStorage"] = storage_data = value = storage_data @property def storage(self): return self.user.get("userStorage", {}) @storage.setter def storage(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("Storage must be a dictionary") self.user["userStorage"] = value @property def profile(self): return getattr(, "_assist_profile", None) @profile.setter def profile(self, value): = value def _register_context_to_func(self, intent_name, context=[]): required = self._required_contexts.get(intent_name) if required: required.extend(list(set(context) - set(required))) else: self._required_contexts[intent_name] = [] self._required_contexts[intent_name].extend(context) def context(self, *context_names): def decorator(f): func_requires = self._func_contexts.get(f) if not func_requires: self._func_contexts[f] = [] self._func_contexts[f].extend(context_names) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return f(*args, with_context=context_names, **kw) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def action( self, intent_name, is_fallback=False, mapping={}, convert={}, default={}, with_context=[], events=[], *args, **kw ): """Decorates an intent_name's Action view function. The wrapped function is called when a request with the given intent_name is recieved along with all required parameters. """ def decorator(f): action_funcs = self._intent_action_funcs.get(intent_name, []) action_funcs.append(f) self._intent_action_funcs[intent_name] = action_funcs self._intent_mappings[intent_name] = mapping self._intent_converts[intent_name] = convert self._intent_defaults[intent_name] = default self._intent_fallbacks[intent_name] = is_fallback self._intent_events[intent_name] = events self._register_context_to_func(intent_name, with_context) @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kw): self._flask_assitant_view_func(*args, **kw) return f return decorator
[docs] def prompt_for(self, next_param, intent_name): """Decorates a function to prompt for an action's required parameter. The wrapped function is called if next_param was not recieved with the given intent's request and is required for the fulfillment of the intent's action. Arguments: next_param {str} -- name of the parameter required for action function intent_name {str} -- name of the intent the dependent action belongs to """ def decorator(f): prompts = self._intent_prompts.get(intent_name) if prompts: prompts[next_param] = f else: self._intent_prompts[intent_name] = {} self._intent_prompts[intent_name][next_param] = f @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kw): self._flask_assitant_view_func(*args, **kw) return f return decorator
def fallback(self): def decorator(f): self._fallback_response = f return f def _dialogflow_request(self, verify=True): raw_body = _dialogflow_request_payload = json.loads(raw_body) return _dialogflow_request_payload def _dump_request(self,): summary = { "Intent": self.intent, "Incoming Contexts": [ for c in], "Source": self.request["originalDetectIntentRequest"].get("source"), "Missing Params": self._missing_params, "Received Params": self.request["queryResult"]["parameters"], } msg = "Request: " + json.dumps(summary, indent=2, sort_keys=True) def _dump_result(self, view_func, result): summary = { "Intent": self.intent, "Outgoing Contexts": [ for c in], "Matched Action": view_func.__name__, "Response Speech": result._speech, } msg = "Result: " + json.dumps(summary, indent=2, sort_keys=True) def _parse_session_id(self): return self.request["session"].split("/sessions/")[1] def _set_user_profile(self): if self.client_id is None: return if self.user.get("idToken") is not None: from flask_assistant.utils import decode_token token = self.user["idToken"] decode_resp = decode_token(token, self.client_id) if decode_resp["status"] == "BAD": return else: # decode_resp["status"]=="OK" profile_payload = decode_resp["output"] for k in ["sub", "iss", "aud", "iat", "exp"]: profile_payload.pop(k) self.profile = profile_payload def _flask_assitant_view_func(self, nlp_result=None, *args, **kwargs): if nlp_result: # pass API query result directly self.request = nlp_result else: # called as webhook self.request = self._dialogflow_request(verify=False) logger.debug(json.dumps(self.request, indent=2)) try: self.intent = self.request["queryResult"]["intent"]["displayName"] self.context_in = self.request["queryResult"].get("outputContexts", []) self.session_id = self._parse_session_id() assert self.session_id is not None except KeyError: raise DeprecationWarning( """It appears your agent is still using the Dialogflow V1 API, please update to V2 in the Dialogflow console.""" ) # update context_manager's assist reference # TODO: acces context_manager from assist, instead of own object self.context_manager._assist = self original_request = self.request.get("originalDetectIntentRequest") if original_request: payload = original_request.get("payload") if payload and payload.get("user"): self.user = original_request["payload"]["user"] self._set_user_profile() # Get access token from request if original_request and original_request.get("user"): self.access_token = original_request["user"].get("accessToken") self._update_contexts() self._dump_request() view_func = self._match_view_func() if view_func is None: logger.error("Failed to match an action function") return "", 400"Matched action function: {}".format(view_func.__name__)) result = self._map_intent_to_view_func(view_func)() if result is not None: if isinstance(result, _Response): self._dump_result(view_func, result) resp = result.render_response() return resp return result logger.error("Action func returned empty response") return "", 400 def _update_contexts(self): temp = self.context_manager temp.update(self.context_in) self.context_manager = temp def _match_view_func(self): view_func = None intent_actions = self._intent_action_funcs.get(self.intent, []) if len(intent_actions) == 0: logger.critical( "No action funcs defined for intent: {}".format(self.intent) ) return view_func if self.has_live_context(): view_func = self._choose_context_view() if not view_func and self._missing_params: prompts = self._intent_prompts.get(self.intent) if prompts: param_choice = self._missing_params.pop() view_func = prompts.get(param_choice) logger.debug( "Matching prompt func {} for missing param {}".format( view_func.__name__, param_choice ) ) if not view_func and len(intent_actions) == 1: view_func = self._intent_action_funcs[self.intent][0] # TODO: Do not match func if context not satisfied if not view_func and len(intent_actions) > 1: view_func = intent_actions[0] msg = "Multiple actions defined but no context was applied, will use first action func" logger.warning(msg) return view_func def has_live_context(self): for context in self.context_in: # lifespanCount appears to be missing if context expired if context.get("lifespanCount", 0) > 0: return True
[docs] def run_aws_lambda(self, event): """Invoke the Flask Assistant application from an AWS Lambda function handler. Use this method to service AWS Lambda requests from a custom Assistant Action. This method will invoke your Flask application providing a WSGI-compatible environment that wraps the original Dialogflow event provided to the AWS API Gateway handler. Returns the output generated by a Flask Assistant application, which should be used as the return value to the AWS Lambda handler function ready for API Gateway. From Flask Ask and adjusted for Flask Assistant Example usage: from flask import Flask from flask_assistant import Assistant, ask app = Flask(__name__) assist = Assistant(app, route='/') logging.getLogger('flask_assistant').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def lambda_handler(event, _context): return assist.run_aws_lambda(event) @assist.action('greetings') def greet_and_start(): speech = "Hey! Are you male or female?" return ask(speech) """ # Convert an environment variable to a WSGI "bytes-as-unicode" string enc, esc = sys.getfilesystemencoding(), "surrogateescape" def unicode_to_wsgi(u): return u.encode(enc, esc).decode("iso-8859-1") # Create a WSGI-compatible environ that can be passed to the # application. It is loaded with the OS environment variables, # mandatory CGI-like variables, as well as the mandatory WSGI # variables. environ = {k: unicode_to_wsgi(v) for k, v in os.environ.items()} environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "POST" environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/" environ["SERVER_NAME"] = "AWS-Lambda" environ["SERVER_PORT"] = "80" environ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] = "HTTP/1.0" environ["wsgi.version"] = (1, 0) environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] = "http" environ["wsgi.errors"] = sys.stderr environ["wsgi.multithread"] = False environ["wsgi.multiprocess"] = False environ["wsgi.run_once"] = True # Convert the event provided by the AWS Lambda handler to a JSON # string that can be read as the body of a HTTP POST request. body = event["body"] environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json" environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = len(body) environ["wsgi.input"] = StringIO(body) # Start response is a required callback that must be passed when # the application is invoked. It is used to set HTTP status and # headers. Read the WSGI spec for details (PEP3333). headers = [] def start_response(status, response_headers, _exc_info=None): headers[:] = [status, response_headers] # Invoke the actual Flask application providing our environment, # with our Assistant event as the body of the HTTP request, as well # as the callback function above. The result will be an iterator # that provides a serialized JSON string for our Dialogflow response. result =, start_response) try: if not headers: raise AssertionError("start_response() not called by WSGI app") output = json.loads(b"".join(result)) if not headers[0].startswith("2"): raise AssertionError( "Non-2xx from app: hdrs={}, body={}".format(headers, output) ) # API Gateway expects Status code, headers and Body return { "statusCode": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "body": json.dumps(output), } finally: # Per the WSGI spec, we need to invoke the close method if it # is implemented on the result object. if hasattr(result, "close"): result.close()
def _context_satified(self, view_func): met = [] required_names = list(self._func_contexts[view_func]) recieved_context_names = [parse_context_name(c) for c in self.context_in] for req_context in required_names: if req_context in recieved_context_names: met.append(req_context) if set(met) == set(required_names): if len(required_names) <= len(recieved_context_names): return True @property def _context_views(self): """Returns view functions for which the context requirements are met""" possible_views = [] for func in self._func_contexts: if self._context_satified(func): logger.debug("{} context conditions satisified".format(func.__name__)) possible_views.append(func) return possible_views def _choose_context_view(self): choice = None for view in self._context_views: if view in self._intent_action_funcs[self.intent]: logger.debug( "Matched {} based on active contexts".format(view.__name__) ) choice = view if choice: return choice else: active_contexts = [ for c in] intent_actions = [ f.__name__ for f in self._intent_action_funcs[self.intent] ] msg = "No {} action func matched based on active contexts" logger.debug(msg) @property def _missing_params(self): # TODO: fill missing slot from default\ params = self.request["queryResult"]["parameters"] missing = [] for p_name in params: if params[p_name] == "": missing.append(p_name) return missing def _func_args(self, f): try: argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(f) except AttributeError: # for python2 argspec = inspect.getargspec(f) return argspec.args def _map_intent_to_view_func(self, view_func): arg_names = self._func_args(view_func) arg_values = self._map_params_to_view_args(arg_names) return partial(view_func, *arg_values) def _map_params_to_view_args(self, arg_names): # TODO map to correct name arg_values = [] mapping = self._intent_mappings.get(self.intent) convert = self._intent_converts.get(self.intent) params = self.request["queryResult"]["parameters"] convert_errors = {} for arg_name in arg_names: entity_mapping = mapping.get(arg_name, arg_name) # param name cant have '.', # so when registered, the sys. is stripped, # and must be stripped when looking up in request mapped_param_name = entity_mapping.replace("sys.", "") value = params.get( mapped_param_name ) # params declared in GUI present in request if not value: # params not declared, so must look in contexts value = self._map_arg_from_context(arg_name) elif arg_name in convert: # Apply parameter conversion shorthand_or_function = convert[arg_name] if shorthand_or_function in _converter_shorthands: convert_func = _converter_shorthands[shorthand_or_function] else: convert_func = shorthand_or_function try: value = convert_func(value) except Exception as exc: convert_errors[arg_name] = exc arg_values.append(value) self.convert_errors = convert_errors return arg_values def _map_arg_from_context(self, arg_name): for context_obj in self.context_in: if arg_name in context_obj["parameters"]: logger.debug( "Retrieved {} param value from {} context".format( arg_name, context_obj["name"] ) ) return context_obj["parameters"][arg_name]